"Nighthawks", by Edward Hopper
This has been one of my favorite paintings since I saw it for the first time when I was...7? 8? I just love his stark realism and use of light. Often we'll be driving in the early morning and I'll see light hitting a brick building, casting sharp shadows, and think, "That looks like an Edward Hopper painting."
This picture was taken last weekend when I spent a very fun day with a friend of mine walking around downtown, taking pictures, and doing some shopping. We found this amazing chair at a consignment shop...I want it! So does my sister! So does my friend! It was funny, because the lady working there saw us taking pictures of the chair and said, "That is a pretty cool chair, isn't it?" My friend and I both agreed. "A little girl was sitting in it the other day," she continued, "and I told her that if she wasn't careful, she was going to turn into a huge foot. She got up pretty fast...I think I might have scared her!"
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And a very happy birthday to my absolutely wonderful mom! :)
...these shoes! They're soooo pretty...and they were only $7!
And they go perfectly with this skirt...I just need to find a top and I'll have an outfit for Easter!
I finally found a nice black skirt.
I LOVE this sweatshirt. It's one of those things that looked sort of terrible hanging on the rack but really nice after I was actually wearing it, and it's so so comfortable.
Then I found two sweatshirts, right next to each other on the rack, that both warranted a happy dance!
I have always wanted a "Nightmare Before Christmas" sweatshirt!
Then I found this...a sweatshirt from that performance of "Les Mis" that made me fall in love with theater 6 years ago.
Behold, some of today's sustenance. We had to sing for a funeral at church and stayed for the lunch, and they served ham!
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I've had this black bag for my dance stuff for a while now. While I really like it (I especially appreciate all the compartments!), the plain blackness of it just begged for a little teeny bit of sprucing up.
I also have had an owl iron-on decoration thingy hanging around for years which I bought because I LOVE OWLS. And that was the perfect place for it to find a home!
I just really hope it doesn't start shedding rhinestones...that would make me very sad.
And I just had to share this awesomely bizarre little statue with you all. I don't even know where I found it, but itsn't adorable and whimiscal and just a little creepy?
Favorite season, and why? That would be a toss-up between spring and fall, with fall a little bit in the lead. Much as I love spring...the world feels new, like spring has never happened before...it just doens't last too long where I live. Fall, on the other hand, is long and breathtaking and blood-quickening and beautiful.
How would you describe your personal style? Hmmm...my personal style has been evolving a lot lately, and currently it's a little bit vintage, a little bit sporty, a lot comfortable, and very me, since I primarily shop at thrift stores.
What's one weird thing you can do? (The stranger the better!) I can do a pretty sweet imitation of Gollum's "gollum" noise. I can also pop my shoulder blades out, and I'm really flexible, which seems normal to me since I dance, but it sometimes freaks people out!
Rain or shine? I gotta say shine. The rain is beautiful, but there is not much in this world that can make me happier than sunlight.
Favorite music? I listen to everything from Faure to the Black-Eyed Peas, including, but not limited to, Simon and Garfunkel, Adele, Coldplay, Journey, Vanessa Carlton, Rene Aubry, The Fray, Feist, Blue October, Keane, Linkin Park, Nelly Furtado, and basically anything musical theater.
Classical music: love it or hate it? LOVE! I've always enjoyed it, but only lately have I become more open about it and started listening to it more again, especially while I'm doing schoolwork. Some of my favorite composers are Debussy, Faure, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, and Chopin, and I also absolutely love all sorts of choral music.
Phobias? I used to have a zillion phobias, but they've been fading away. Now I'm mainly just afraid of needles...still. heheh. But you know what's worse than needles? IVs. Oh my goodness. *shudders* That's why I'm not having complete anesthetic when I get my teeth pulled...but I'll need to get shots nonetheless, of course. Time for my macho man act! *flexes muscles* Regular needles make me kinda nervous too, ever since my friend told me the story of a needle, laying on a bed...and her climbing into bed, completely unsuspecting...and the needle burrowing under her skin. Ugh. You're welcome...now you're probably scared of them too!
Hop on a plane and go live somewhere for a year...where is it, and why? Somewhere in England because I am an Anglophile (plus, I already speak the language!).
Are you an extrovert or an introvert? I'm definitely an extrovert. I used to think I was introverted, but...I'm not.
Would you/do you perform on stage? Heck yes! Whenever I possibly can...I can't live without it.
Actually, I have a lot of those. Not all of them are captured on film, either. But this moment is definitely up there in places in my own life I would return to if I had a time machine.
"Masquerade" in our production of Phantom of the Opera! I'm in the red dress in the front (my favorite costume ever.)
That was definitely my favorite scene. Being in it was a sort of dream of mine ever since I watched Phantom of the Opera for the first time, and it was one that I never though would be fulfilled so soon! It was just so, so much fun to be in (even though the first sopranos - which I am - had some ridiculously high notes)...I love the music, it was absolutely full of dancing, and the entire scene was so exciting and full of energy, since everyone in the entire show was in it. The end of Masquerade in our very last show was such a sad moment for me!