Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 16.

Day 16: A song that always makes you cry.

There actually isn't a song that always, without fail, makes me cry. Sure, plenty of songs have made me tear up or cry for various reasons, but there aren't any that always have that effect. Sorry...that was a boring day. ;)

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This is actually pretty old news, but I got my hair cut last Friday and I really like how it turned out. The stylist did exactly what I've always wished a stylist would do...really seemed to know what she was doing, checked my face shape, had lots of suggestions, and then just dove in fearlessly with a pair of scissors and made my hair look awesome. Et voila... Yay! So yes, I'm liking my hair at the moment.

I can't believe it's already Holy Week. This Lent hasn't been the best ever, to be honest. I actually keep forgetting that it's Lent, partly because I can't go to Stations on Fridays anymore because of work, I've not been doing a good job of keeping my resolutions, and...yeah. These past few months have been pretty stressful for many different reasons, and I guess I've been distracted. But I think everyone goes through times like this at some point, and I'm going to try to make the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday) count as much as possible...even though I have to work Good Friday (I'll be able to go to Stations in the morning, though, and part of the afternoon service) and Easter. :( Oh well. I will try.

1 comment:

Tessa said...

Love the hair cut! Very cute!