Thursday, March 31, 2011
Day 5.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Day 4.
I actually really don't watch TV (I don't follow any shows since we don't have a converter box thingy on the downstairs TV, and therefore the only times I watch shows are when I get them from the library, which is pretty seldom), so this is actually almost the only show I ever watch. But I love it. :D
We're waiting for Season 8 to come from the library...the last season. Nooooooo...
* * *
This is really random, but I love how, when you leave a comment on a blog, it says "Choose your indentity". It makes me feel like I'm Jason Bourne or something...
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Day 3.

I loved the story, really enjoyed the writing style, found the characters likeable and believable, and the fact that a book is set in England will almost always endear it to me. So if you like books that are exciting, interesting, fast-paced, and have a certain British/steampunk-y flavor to them, I think you would like it!
I will never forgive him for ruining everyone in the subsequent books, however...
* * *
I had two cups of full-strength coffee this morning. I CANNOT HOLD MY CAFFEINE. Drinking an excess (well, for me two cups is an excess...) of coffee always has an interesting hands shake uncontrollably, I dance instead of walking even more than I usually do, I get lightheaded (so now I can't tell if I'm still having dizziness issues like yesterday!), and I find almost everything humorous in some way or another.
Do any of you frequent Target? I love that store! One of my favorite things in it is the accessory section. :D That is always the very first place my mom, sister, and I stop when we go there. Target has the most AMAZING bags, hats, and scarves. *dies* I actually splurged when we were there on Sunday and bought an awesome white linen fedora for summer.

Right now I'm very happy...I'm finally able to actually write music! I've been writing song lyrics for years, but a melody always evaded me. Well, that has ended, at long last! I wrote a song about a week ago that had a melody basically already attached to it, I'm working on another one, and there's a third that I've been working on since last fall. I might record one of them the only thing left to do is become good at the piano so I can add an accompaniment!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Day 2.
Oh man...I could go crazy with this, too, and make up ten zillion genres and fill them all with at least two or three movies. But I won't. I'll also pick something other than Lord of the Rings, because I think that everyone knows those are my absolute favorite movies! It will never cease to amaze me that I can watch them absolutely any amount of times and I love them as much as ever. But wait...I WASN'T going to talk about LOTR. ;) However, I will talk about my second favorite movie, which has the added benefit of not being very well-known! And that would be...
I'm not even completely sure what it is about this movie that I love so much. I love the's so inspiring and not quite like any other sports movie. I love the general air of British-ness. I love the characters. I love the music (the theme is one of the best things ever, and I've also fallen in love with "Jerusalem", England's unofficial national anthem that plays at the is EPIC. And listen carefully to the second verse - the name of the movie was taken from a line of the song!). I love the cinematography. I love to run. So I guess I came up with a ton of things I love about it, but there's still something undefinable that makes it amazing and puts it right up there under LOTR in my favorite movies.
"Now there are just two of us...who can close our eyes and remember those few young men with hope in our hearts and wings on our heels." Lord Andrew Lindsay, Chariots of Fire
"I believe that God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure." Eric Liddell, Chariots of Fire
Friday, March 25, 2011
30 Day Challenge, Day 1
I'm actually doing another of these 30 Day Challenges on Facebook (and stuck on Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory. What on earth? I have zillions of favorite memories, and a lot of them were not preserved in a photo! I'll have to get creative...) It would seem they're the latest craze. However, I think I'm going to do this one that I learned of on Mirfain's blog, since I've been itching to post lately and couldn't think of anything to talk about. So here's a whole list of things to talk about!
Day 1: A favorite song.
Day 2: A favorite movie.
Day 3: A favorite book.
Day 4: A favorite television program.
Day 5: A favorite quote.
Day 6: A moment you wish you could relive.
Day 7: Five things you couldn't possibly live without.
Day 8: A photo of something you ate today.
Day 9: A photo you took.
Day 10: A photo of you taken over ten years ago.
Day 11: A photo of you taken recently.
Day 12: A song that you want played at your wedding(or was played).
Day 13: A guilty pleasure.
Day 14: A vacation you would like to take.
Day 15: Something you've always wanted to do.
Day 16: A song that makes you cry.
Day 17: An art piece.
Day 18: A time when you felt passionate and alive.
Day 19: A talent of yours.
Day 20: A hobby of yours.
Day 21: Something you know you do differently than most people.
Day 22: A website.
Day 23: A way in which you want to be remembered.
Day 24: A movie no one would expect you to love.
Day 25: A recipe.
Day 26: A childhood memory.
Day 27: A physical feature you love.
Day 28: A scar you have and it's story.
Day 29: Hopes, dreams and plans you have for the next 365 days.
Day 30: A motto or philosophy.
So, without any further delay I shall commence with Day 1: A favorite song!
Thank goodness they just said "A" favorite song...
*goes to YouTube and browses through the nearly 300 songs on her "favorites" list*
You know what, just for the heck of it I am going to do this my way and post favorite songs from several different genres. And where there's one favorite song, there are bound to be about 10 more that could just as easily vie for the place of "favorite", just so you know!
Favorite Classical Piece: Pavane, Op. 50 (Faure)
Song That I Refer to As My General Favorite: Don't Stop Believin' (Journey)
Favorite Piece of Choral Music: Evening Hymn (Gardiner)
Favorite Song from a Musical: Work Song (Les Miserables) (it's the epic opening song), One Day More (Les Mis) (the signature Les Mis song, IMO), I Dreamed a Dream (Les Mis) (one of my favorites of the solos, and one of my favorite songs to sing), On My Own (Les Mis) (my other favorite solo...I think just about anyone could relate to it at some point in their life)
Hmmm, I'm seeing a pattern of Les Mis songs here. I wonder why? haha Okay, here's a few from some other musicals...
Seasons of Love (Rent), Overture (Phantom of the Opera) (AH THE MEMORIES!!!), and I would post Home (Phantom), but all of the recordings of it on YouTube are absolutely terrible, IMO. Well, if you'd like to hear me singing it, click here, but I've sung it better (I should re-record it sometime...)
Favorite Weird Song: Wuthering Heights (Kate Bush) Actually, there are so many that could go in this category...I love weird music!) Okay, here's another :) : Steppe (Rene Aubry)
Favorite Song That's Almost Classical But Not Quite: La Grande Cascade (Rene Aubry)
All right, I could probably keep doing this all day long, but I'll stop. ;) There's a small collection of my favorites!
Monday, March 7, 2011

My desk.

The ceiling.

Sunday, March 6, 2011
There was a man named Jean Valjean...
One of the best parts came at the very, very end, after you'd suffered through about 20 minutes of the lady who, in my dad's words, had certainly had her coffee that morning, excitedly exclaiming, "Did you know that it took Victor Hugo 16 years to write Les Mis? Well, it doesn't need to take you 16 years to call and pledge your money! Call now!" and "One more day...well, it doesn't have to take you one more day! Call now!" until you want to throw something at the TV screen. *cough* Anyways. The original cast was there! The four original Jean Valjeans sang "Bring Him Home" as a quartet, joined at the end by tonight's Valjean, and then everyone sang "One More Day". That was amazing. I can only imagine the emotions that were flooding everyone, to be back on stage singing this incredible music from this incredible musical 25 years later. One of the best parts was when Michael Ball (the original Marius) sang, "My place is here...I stand with you!", and this huge smile lit up his face as he gestured expansively to the stage and the cast. That was just completely awesome!
So...I'm on a Les Mis high right now. :) That is my favorite musical! Someday, somewhere, I will perform in it.
On a slightly different note, I've been reading some of my favorite books lately! My mom bought four Agatha Christie novels from the library booksale last week, and I hadn't read any of them. I love her books! They're almost pure suspense, her descriptions of people are brilliant, some parts are absolutely hilarious, and in the end, even if it seemed that the crime was going to have some mediocre resolution, there is always some fascinating, often heart-rending story behind it. That's one thing that sets Dame Christie's books apart from other mystery novels...she always deeply explores the underlying reasons that murders are committed, and they are many and interesting.
And then my other favorites...I have discovered that I LOVE the Percy Jackson books! I saw the movie a few months ago and greatly enjoyed it, and then I read the first book and enjoyed it even more! I just finished book two last night, and I'm so glad there are four more! I really love the way Greek mythology is adapted to modern times, it's so much fun to figure out what mythological people or creatures they're running into (especially since I love Greek mythology), and the books are well-written, very well paced, and often completely hilarious! I must admit it...if something or someone makes me laugh, I'm bound to love it. haha
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
A paean to the arts.
I haven't been posting on here much lately. For a while I was just too busy with POTO, but now I have way more time than I know what to do with and just nothing to say. (Except for: I MISS PHANTOM!!! It's been nearly two weeks since it ended, but there is still a hole in my life. *sigh*) So many things have been changing lately, mostly my plans for the future. Being a part of Phantom of the Opera really made up my mind on something that has always been floating in the back of my psyche. I decided that the performing arts is really something I want to be a part of for the long term. I haven't decided yet on the specifics, but it will be something related to music and dance and the theater! The more I think about it, I realize that the performing arts have really always been a part of me. When I was very young - about five - I sang constantly and fearlessly and would give concerts for my family. When I was a little bit older - around nine or ten - my sister and I would spend hours rehearsing interpretive dances to music such as Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" and then give performances for our parents. A few years later, my friends and I staged several plays together. During high school, I've spent countless hours in class, rehearsal, and onstage in ballets. And throughout the years, I've never stopped singing. Seeing performances inspired me from an early age as well. When I was about six years old, my family was at a high school for a craft show, and my dad and I decided to take a walk around the hallways. In our wanderings, we came across a rehearsal of "The Miracle Worker" in the auditorium and watched for a while from the back. I can remember thinking, "Wow. That looks amazing. I am going to do that someday!" And of course there was that wonderful, magical two hours in the February of 2005 when a wide-eyed 11-year-old saw "Les Miserables", was awestruck to the point of completely losing her voice, and wrote in her journal that night, "I think I have found my calling." I've never forgotten that night, and I've never lost what it inspired. My love for the performing arts has waxed and waned over the years, but lately it's been growing stronger and stronger. There are so many things that I love about it.