Monday, October 12, 2009

Our Lady's Lamp

I'd been meaning to post about praying in front of the Family Planning center on Thursday morning! It was really cool being out there so early in the morning.

We got up at 5:30 am, which turned out to not be early enough, since we got there about halfway through the first rosary. It was cold (my feet especially were freezing, since I was wearing leather boots), and still dark. Our priest and about half a dozen people from our church were there, standing on the sidewalk next to the building, and we quickly joined the line.

I watched the almost-full moon - Our Lady's lamp - as we prayed. It would occasionally pass behind the clouds, but always reappeared eventually. As time passed, the sky slowly lightened from pitch black to dark blue, and from dark blue to gray. You could see already that it was going to be a cloudy day.

We prayed an entire 15-decade rosary (Father asked me to lead the Glorious mysteries), and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Three people honked as they drove by - the first time that happened I jumped about a foot in the air! haha Unfortunately, someone also gave us the finger. But the negative responses are always outnumbered by the positive ones.

Just before we finished at 7 am, I looked up and saw that the clouds were faintly tinged with pink. I was very happy - I love seeing the sun rise! It was such a beautiful sight as we all warmly greeted one another and then dispersed to the various callings of our days.

Each time the moon vanished behind a cloud, I thought, "Okay, it's not going to come back out," but it always did, and was still there after the sun had risen. Our Lady had hung out her lamp, and was keeping her motherly eye on her courageous children who were praying for her voiceless ones.

It was a beautiful way to start the day.

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